OBlife exclusive in Spain at Grupo Planeta. Personalized sleep.
NGmatt™. The mattress reinvented.
NGpillows. Customizable pillows.
Sleep disturbance is primarily related to bedding equipment. All queried symptoms - from back pain to apnea - can improve by changes on bedding equipment.
Of all premature disabilities are related to spine problems.
Of population on developed countries suffers from sleep disorders.
Higher risk of suffering from all cause mortality in those that sleeps less than 5 h/day.
Your customizable mattresses eliminates the causes that affect sleep disorders and back ailments, helping to prevent them. You can try it all the mattress lifetime.
¡Adiós al insomnio! Cinco gadgets con los que, por fin, dormirás a pierna suelta.
Una camita con luz antimonstruos. Para los peques que les da miedo la oscuridad, la cama Monsters Off promete calmarles sin necesidad de que los padres se levanten cual zombis en mitad de la noche para consolarles. Integra un sistema de luces que se encienden cuando detectan que el niño se despierta, llora o grita.
"EMFIT QS is the sleep monitor of choice for families caring for elders at risk of nighttime wandering and falls.
The NGmatt 2.0™ (New Generation Mattress) developed by Descansare Sleep Lab will be on display and demonstrated at CES 2018."
Descansare Sleep Lab; Spanish company that is integrated among the world's leading technology companies at the CES of Las Vegas, the most important international fair in the sector. www.ces.tech
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